Go-To Gluten Free Cookies


My first title for these was Most Requested Cookie, but it might be a tie with a salted chocolate chip I do so we’ll save that for later. Years ago I started making Claire Robinson’s Flourless Peanut Butter Cookie recipe from The Food Network. So few ingredients, one bowl, no gluten, super tasty. If I were to do a quick count, I’m guessing I’ve made about 1,000 cookies from some variation of that recipe. Another thing I love about her recipe: it’s pretty forgiving. And forgiving is particularly good when you’re like me and you have a hard time following a recipe - this might be why I’m not a pastry chef. For shits and giggles and my love of almond butter, I revamped the recipe to make it my own a couple of years back and now get requests from clients for this cookie a lot. The biggest part of the overhaul was lowering the amount of sugar - I just don’t think it’s needed and you won’t miss it. Again, it’s versatility allows for some wiggle room - try it with peanut butter, with or without chocolate chips, maybe throw in a dried fruit (haven’t tried that yet but report back on your findings, please). Even your gluten loving cookie friends (or husbands - not naming names) will eat ALL OF THESE. Hope you enjoy them as much as Penny did.


Go-To Gluten Free Cookies 

1 16-oz Jar Crunchy Salted Almond Butter

1 Cup Sugar ( I used organic cane)

2 Eggs

1 tsp Vanilla

1 tsp Kosher Salt 

1 Cup Chocolate Chips


1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. Mix first five ingredients together until fully incorporated and smooth (dough takes on a smooth sheen). We used our mixer because Penny loves turning it on and off, but a fork and hand mixing work just as well.

3. Stir in chocolate chips.

4. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper. Use scoop to make rounded dough balls. I like to make mine small but a larger scoop will work as well - just adjust your time. 

5. Check at 10 mins. Cookies can burn quickly, but you want to make sure they start to look more matte than shiny. Add 2 mins more at a time as needed. 
