Strawberry-Coconut Baked Oats


Starting to do a little bit of pantry diving this week. I’ve got berries that are not longer looking their best paired with a NEED for a hearty, satisfying and healthy breakfast to get me through this Groundhog Day. I set out to make a baked oatmeal with my aging strawberries and got inspired when I saw the three cans of coconut milk sitting on my shelf. Make sure you skim all that delicious coconut cream off the top to mix with the jam for your finishing touch. The icing on this healthy morning cake (which was devoured, even by Rex, who is very anti sitting still to eat these days) adds moisture, sweetness and good looks.

2 1/2 Cups GF Oats

2 Tbl Hemp Seeds

1 Tbl Chia Seeds

2 tsp Vanilla

2 tsp Cinnamon 

1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder 

1 tsp Kosher Salt

1/3 Cup Coconut Sugar 

2 Eggs

1 1/2 Cups Coconut Milk (the whole can minus the cream top) 

1/2 Cup Oat Milk 

1 1/2 Cups Strawberries

2 Tbl Strawberry Jam


Preheat oven to 375.

In medium bowl mix all dry ingredients together.

Add whisked eggs and all remaining ingredients *keeping coconut cream and jam in separate bowl*

Bake for approximately 50 minutes until sides start to brown and crisp.

Melt coconut cream and jam over low heat until smooth (1 minute)

Pour warm sauce over baked oats and serve.